Kindness: is it dead?

Hi, lovelies! Welcome to week one of my words and ranting, so glad you decided to pop by! Before we jump in, allow me to give you a fair heads up on a few things:

  • I am a die-hard supporter of the LGBTQ community as I myself live by the B. If this bothers you, I ask that you head ‘em up and move on out!
  • I use far too many exclamations marks, sorry not sorry!!
  • I am a lover not a fighter, unless I see someone being mistreated, in which case, I WILL summon my inner tigress and lay you out. Got it? Good. Let’s be nice here guys.

Sweet! With that out of the way, let’s get this show on the road, eh? 🙂

So, I spent some time thinking on where to start, given the list of topics I aim to cover on my page. Almost instantly I settled on what I think we could all use a little more of: kindness.

In a world so hungry for recognition and one’s personal advancement, it can feel as though kindness and empathy fall by the wayside more often than not. But, as I see every day in the wonderful #WritingCommunity on Twitter (which I am so fortunate to be a part of might I add), kindness is still alive and well! We just have to remember to keep our eyes open for it. Take notice and receive it. All walks of life, all histories, coming together to empower each other with our experiences! In my mind, it’s as much about where you’ve come from as it is where you’re going.

Don’t believe me? Take a little peek at Rob and Reece’s story, and try not to cry. Go on, I dare you! *weeps all over keyboard*

Image result for rob and reece scheer

Want to learn more about the Scheer’s incredible journey? Follow this link and pick up a copy of the full story, written by Rob himself:

Though mainstream media would like us to believe otherwise, empathetic warriors like the Scheer’s still exist, slicing their mighty swords of love and support through the darkness. What truly moved me about Rob’s story was his history, where he came from, and the fact that it didn’t define him in the usual sense. And yet, he’s never forgotten! He uses that past, painful as it was, to be the change in the world. To make the difference! See, we have a choice, always. Allow the pain to define us, stereotype us, and stunt our ability to empathize with those who hurt the same as we do. Or, we can make the hard choice, abolishing the idea that we are a product of our own environment, and rise above to become something different. Something stronger! We CAN be the change this world so desperately needs! One person, one small act of kindness, can have a domino effect that can echo out into the world further then we even imagine. I’ve always believed this, but Josh Coombes and Jade Statt LIVE this! The way they give themselves so freely is truly inspiring. Take a look.

Image result for Josh Coombes and Jade Statt

Image result for Josh Coombes and Jade Statt


Follow him on Instagram: JoshuaCoombes

What really moved me here (aside from the obvious care/work these wonderful people put into their community) is how Josh encourages us to simply check in. Check in on someone, see how their doing, support them where they’re at. It’s simple gestures such as this that can be life altering. I know they have been for me. There are days where my mind is so clouded with self-doubt and dread that I can’t see the forest through the trees. And yet, one person asking me how I’m doing…suddenly life has new meaning again. They saw me, noticed me! In the moment the doubt becomes a little easier to swallow, knowing that I’m not alone. I’m seen! Human connection, that’s the true and universal magic. And the best part? WE ALL HAVE THE ABILITY TO WIELD IT! It’s a never ending well within us, if only we tune in. How incredible is that?

Now, I’m sure some of you are thinking “Well yeah Des, this is awesome. But, I’m not in a position to adopt, cut someone’s hair, or treat a sick pup.” I get it, love. We all have our own gifts, ones we can offer in our own way. Another beautiful part of being human is just that, we all have unique talents! It may take some time to find that calling. But, while you meditate and think on what type of kindness legacy you want to leave behind, you can still find a way to spread love in the present. It’s the little things, lovelies. Being conscious of our surroundings and the people we pass each day is the first step towards lasting change. Giving, loving, grace…these inspire, and set a fire beneath us! With that in mind, I have one last video to share. It’s had over 30 million views since its release, and that number alone gives me so much hope for our future!

Life Vest – Kindess Boomerang

Humble acts! Ones we can easily offer throughout each day by simply being present and aware of the needs of others. When we take the time to step outside out comfort zones and offer our attention to one another, there we will find the true meaning of life; community, love, and all the beautiful bits in between. Together, we rise!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. You have no idea how much YOUR kindness has touched me. If you enjoyed yourself today, please, support the people you’ve seen in these videos. Share their stories and what they’ve taught you! And, if you feel so obliged, feel free to comment/like/share my page.

Until next time, keep it kind, lovelies!

-Destiny ❤

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